My Face Laser Clinic exterior photograph of the laser clinic situated in My Face Aesthetics

Local Business


A useful list of Bolton business's.

Skin Rejuvenation - My Face Aesthetics Clinic
Our main Bolton Skin rejuvenation clinic - specialising in Anti ageing treatments inc Botox fine link wrinkle treatments Dermal Filler injection clinic - Surgical and non surgical treatments quick and safe ways to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, through the use of anti-ageing treatments, Dermal Fillers & Lasers to rejuvenate and repair ageing skin. A wide range of proven skin treatments are also available.
Tel: 01204  866880

Bolton Mobile Tyre Fitters - Billys Tyres
Ever need a mobile tyre fitter in Bolton - Billys Tyres provide a 24hr / 7 mobile tyre replacement and repair, a prompt service highly recommended and they also offer in the area a car recovery service
Tel: 07521 472882

Website Designers

AKA media website designed for local business inc manufacturers, clinics, medical
Tel: 01204 845481

Cosmetic Surgery
Just down the M62 - Aset Hospital a centre of excellence for cosmetic surgery a elite group of highly experienced cosmetic plastic surgeons come together in a dedicated centre for surgery.
Tel: 0151 426 4777